Solution Incompatibility between the geolocation library and kotlin in Flutter: A Comprehensive Guide
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Solution Incompatibility between the geolocation library and kotlin in Flutter: A Comprehensive Guide

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Are you tired of dealing with the frustrating incompatibility issues between the geolocation library and Kotlin in Flutter? Look no further! In this article, we’ll delve into the world of geolocation and Kotlin, exploring the reasons behind this incompatibility and providing you with a step-by-step guide to resolve this issue once and for all.

Understanding the Problem: What’s Causing the Incompatibility?

Before we dive into the solution, it’s essential to understand the root cause of the problem. The geolocation library, which is a popular plugin for Flutter, relies on the dart:core library to function correctly. However, Kotlin, being a statically typed language, has its own set of rules and requirements that can sometimes clash with the geolocation library.

Specifically, the issue arises when you try to use the geolocation library in a Kotlin-based Flutter project. The library’s dependency on dart:core can lead to conflicts with Kotlin’s type system, resulting in errors and incompatibility issues.

Common Error Messages

If you’re experiencing the incompatibility issue, you might encounter the following error messages:

  • `Error: Unable to find the ‘dart:core’ library`
  • `Type ‘Location’ is not a subtype of type ‘Object’`
  • `Error: The method ‘getCurrentPosition’ isn’t defined for the type ‘Geolocation’`

These error messages can be frustrating, but don’t worry, we’ve got a solution for you!

Solution: Resolving the Incompatibility Issue

  1. Step 1: Add the Geolocation Library to Your Project

    Add the geolocation library to your Flutter project by adding the following dependency to your `pubspec.yaml` file:

      geolocation: ^2.0.2
  2. Step 2: Import the Geolocation Library

    Import the geolocation library in your Kotlin-based Flutter project by adding the following line of code:

    import 'package:geolocation/geolocation.dart';

  3. Step 3: Initialize the Geolocation Service

    Initialize the geolocation service by calling the `Geolocation.isEnabled()` method:

    Future<void> main() async {
    await Geolocation.isEnabled();

  4. Step 4: Use the Geolocation Service

    Use the geolocation service to retrieve the user’s current location:

    Future<void> _getCurrentLocation() async {
    final location = await Geolocation.getCurrentPosition(desiredAccuracy: LocationAccuracy.high);
    print('Current Location: ${location.latitude}, ${location.longitude}');

  5. Step 5: Handle Errors and Exceptions

    Handle errors and exceptions by adding try-catch blocks to your code:

    Future<void> _getCurrentLocation() async {
    try {
    final location = await Geolocation.getCurrentPosition(desiredAccuracy: LocationAccuracy.high);
    print('Current Location: ${location.latitude}, ${location.longitude}');
    } catch (e) {
    print('Error: $e');

Additional Tips and Best Practices

To ensure a smooth experience with the geolocation library and Kotlin in Flutter, follow these additional tips and best practices:

  • Use the Latest Version of the Geolocation Library: Make sure you’re using the latest version of the geolocation library to ensure compatibility with Kotlin.
  • Enable Geolocation Services in Your App: Don’t forget to enable geolocation services in your app’s settings to allow users to grant location access.
  • Handle Errors and Exceptions Gracefully: Always handle errors and exceptions gracefully to provide a better user experience.
  • Test Your App Thoroughly: Test your app thoroughly on different devices and platforms to ensure the geolocation library is working as expected.


In conclusion, the incompatibility issue between the geolocation library and Kotlin in Flutter can be resolved by following the steps outlined in this article. By adding the geolocation library to your project, importing it correctly, initializing the geolocation service, using the service to retrieve the user’s location, and handling errors and exceptions, you can ensure a seamless experience with geolocation in your Kotlin-based Flutter project.

Library Version
Geolocation ^2.0.2

Remember to follow the additional tips and best practices outlined in this article to ensure a smooth experience with the geolocation library and Kotlin in Flutter. Happy coding!

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Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to delve into the world of Flutter and resolve the pesky issue of solution incompatibility between the geolocation library and Kotlin!

What is causing the solution incompatibility between the geolocation library and Kotlin in Flutter?

The incompatibility is likely due to conflicting dependencies or mismatched versions between the geolocation library and Kotlin. Make sure to check the versions of both dependencies in your pubspec.yaml file and ensure they are compatible.

How do I resolve the issue when I get a “duplicate class” error while using the geolocation library with Kotlin in Flutter?

This error occurs when there are duplicate classes in your project. Try to exclude the duplicate class from the geolocation library by adding the `exclude` keyword in your pubspec.yaml file. For example, `geo_location: ^2.3.1+2 exclude: flutter_sms`.

What is the best way to handle location updates using the geolocation library with Kotlin in Flutter?

Use the `StreamBuilder` widget to handle location updates. It allows you to subscribe to location updates and rebuild your UI whenever new data is available. This approach ensures that your app is always up-to-date with the user’s current location.

Can I use the geolocation library with Kotlin in Flutter for both iOS and Android platforms?

Yes, the geolocation library is platform-agnostic, meaning it can be used on both iOS and Android platforms. You can use the same library and codebase to handle geolocation on both platforms, making it a great choice for cross-platform development.

Are there any alternative libraries I can use instead of the geolocation library with Kotlin in Flutter?

Yes, there are alternative libraries available, such as `location` and `latlong`. These libraries provide similar functionality and can be used as a replacement for the geolocation library. However, make sure to check the compatibility and documentation of each library before making the switch.

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